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The new Dreamcast version is now available ! (It's working !!!)
The theme in this version is the Console War.
Graphic improvements , mostly in the shooting game :
Before :

After :

You're shooting on Jag and N64 on the Dreamcast
and you're shooting on Amiga and Dreamcast
on the Windows version !

You can grab the Dreamcast & Windows version in the download section.


La nouvelle version Sega Dreamcast est enfin disponible !
Le theme de cette edition est La Guerre des consoles.
Les graphismes ont été amélio ... Read more »
Views: 1977 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2012-11-09 | Comments (7)

Hey guys !
In my previous post , i said that my game will not be more updated...
For a while !!!
I didn't know what to do with all my new games so i decided to update my greatest sucess , Vigoroth the delivery man.
This is a minor update so that's mean no new minigames but it's now more enjoyable.
The 3rd Minigame (Birds don't like guns) has better controls , you use your mouse and you shoot with a left click and reload with the right click.
Before , you had to reload with the R button but now , it's history ! (I gotta stop with this sentence)
The game is now in VGA mode. (320x200 and 256 colors)
That's means you can play on your old PC !  (See requirements on the Menu)
Only the Windows version and MS-DOS are available to the latest version.
You can download them in the Download section.
Mac OSX and Dreamcast version soon !

That's all !
Enjoy !

Note : The Sega Saturn ... Read more »
Views: 976 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2012-11-06 | Comments (0)

Today , i announce that Vigoroth the delivery man
aka Vigoroth le livreur is no more updated.
That's mean also that the Sega Saturn version is cancelled.

Want more news about me ?
Go to my website :
My last projects are Wiimon , Disgrace to Blabla and Thwomp Attack!.
Wiimon is very similar to Vigoroth the delivery man so if you are fan of this game , check this out !

One more thing...
Thank you guys for downloading this game !

EDIT : No more dead links !
Views: 5140 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2012-07-17 | Comments (3)

Merry Christmas !
No new version for my game , sorry BUT :
-A new video will be available with inside my others games ,
go to my youtube channel.
-The MS-DOS/FreeDOS version is now available !

That's right ! Now , you can play it on your favorite OS ! :D
That's all !

Views: 1009 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2011-12-24 | Comments (0)


The PC version (Windows) is now updated to 1.5 !

Here's the changelog :

-Graphics improved (Better Font, cleaner etc...)
-Minigame 3 edited (Ammunitions)
-Difficulty for the second and the third minigame (EASY OR DIFFICULT)
-Score is now saved
-Better music (ogg instead of modules)
-Runs at 60 FPS instead of 30

That's all !



La version PC (Windows) passe maintenant à la version 1.5 !

Voici les changements :

-Graphismes améliorés (Meilleur police de caractère , plus lisible etc...)
-Le mini jeu 3 a été edité pour ajouter les munitions (changement qui n'a été fait que pour la version Dreamcast)
-Choix de difficulté dans le 2ème et 3 ... Read more »

Views: 993 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2011-11-20 | Comments (2)


Hi everyone !

I have a good news.
I'm working on a Sega Saturn version ! It's not very advanced
but it's running on emulator.
Here's a screenshot :

Don't trust me ? Download the demo in the download section at the bottom of the page.
You should not burn it on CD-R because... because it's to save money.

The first minigame will be available soon so be patient...
Also , some people found the second minigame is too hard...
I will let you choose the difficulty level for this minigame.

If you have any questions , post it/them in the comments.
That's all !



Bonjour à tous !

J'ai une bonne nouvelle ... Read more »

Views: 919 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2011-11-12 | Comments (0)


Hi to all !

Some guys reported my game freeze.

This new version should correct this because now , it's working correctly ! (Previous versions don't work correctly even on NullDC)

Owners of the previous versions , please download this version ! (v1.41)

To download the new version , go to download and click on the link for the Dreamcast version.

Thank you guys ! You are very useful !



Bonjour à tous !
Des personnes m'ont signalé que le jeu gelait ce qui avait pour conséquence de rendre le jeu injouable.
Cette nouvelle version (v1.41) corrige ce problème et marche maintenant correctement !
Possesseur des anciennes versions , s'il vous plaît TÉLÉCHARGER CETTE VERSION !
Pour télécharger la nouvelle version , allez dans téléchargement e ... Read more »
Views: 1674 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2011-11-06 | Comments (6)


Hi to all !

I update my game to the version 1.4.

Here's the changelog :

-Adds ammunitions in the third minigame to make it more fun.
-Fix a lot of bug. (Sega Dreamcast)
-Adds the support of Analog Stick ! (Sega Dreamcast)
-The Menu is a little mmmm better.
-Corrects some mistakes. (English version)
-Runs on the version 0.84b of Fenix instead of 0.84 CVS.

But only the Sega Dreamcast version is updated so this version will be exclusive for Sega Dreamcast for a while.

Others Ports (PC , Mac OSX ) will be soon available.



Salut à tous !

J'ai mis à jour mon jeu à la version 1.4.

Voici les changements :

-Ajoute la gestion des munitions dans le troisième ... Read more »

Views: 6762 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2011-10-29 | Comments (10)

Wii : 200+
Caanoo : 161
Windows : 63
NDS  : +55
GP2X : 13
Dreamcast : 6
Mac OSX  : 6

TOTAL : 514
EDIT : As you can see , the Wii version is the most popular port and in second came (surprisingly) the Caanoo version with 161 downloads.
Thanks beredezebe for the downloads number of the Wii version !

Views: 998 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2011-08-07 | Comments (0)


The Gp2X is now updated !
Now , you can move the viewfinder with the pad.
The Pandora version should work now because the Bennugd runtime is now fixed.
And for PSP version , the port is not ready because it's very buggy.
That's all !


La version GP2x a été mise à jour !
Maintenant , vous pouvez bouger le viseur avec le pad.
La version Pandora devrait marcher étant donné que le runtime de BennuGD a été mis à jour !
Et pour la version PSP , j'ai obtenu des premiers pas encourageant mais pour l'instant , c'est très buggé.
C'est tout !

Views: 910 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2011-06-22 | Comments (0)

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