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Page d'accueil » 2012 » November » 7 » Vigoroth the delivery man is no more history !
9:57 PM
Vigoroth the delivery man is no more history !
Hey guys !
In my previous post , i said that my game will not be more updated...
For a while !!!
I didn't know what to do with all my new games so i decided to update my greatest sucess , Vigoroth the delivery man.
This is a minor update so that's mean no new minigames but it's now more enjoyable.
The 3rd Minigame (Birds don't like guns) has better controls , you use your mouse and you shoot with a left click and reload with the right click.
Before , you had to reload with the R button but now , it's history ! (I gotta stop with this sentence)
The game is now in VGA mode. (320x200 and 256 colors)
That's means you can play on your old PC !  (See requirements on the Menu)
Only the Windows version and MS-DOS are available to the latest version.
You can download them in the Download section.
Mac OSX and Dreamcast version soon !

That's all !
Enjoy !

Note : The Sega Saturn version is still cancelled. Way too much difficult to program...
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«  November 2012  »
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