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I will no longer update this website , (almost) everything was moved to my main website :
That does not mean this game is cancelled in fact , an improved Android version is available on the Google play !
And I'm not done yet !
An upcoming update will be available in a few hours and while this update does not add any minigames , it plays so much better !
Views: 1868 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2013-10-05 | Comments (1)

Views: 1734 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2013-05-31 | Comments (0)

Hi everybody !
I'm working on an android version of Vigoroth the delivery man and it works pretty well !
This version use a bigger screen resolution : a screen resolution of 1280x800 !
It is working great on my Nexus 7 and i want to sell it on the google play.
This Android version will be simply called "Kleines Livreur" and will not feature Vigoroth the pokémon so i shouldn't be in trouble with Nintendo. (For the Android version at least)

Now , the bad news...
The alpha 2 v1.2 (3DO version) do not work on real hardware so i  released a new version with no sound.
Go to the download section to get it ! (And tell me if this version works on real hardware , never trust an emulator...)

Views: 2525 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2013-05-22 | Comments (0)

The version 1.0 was reported to work on a real 3DO but version 1.1 doesn't... (it crashes after the language screen)
So i released an alpha that should fix that... Look at the Download section !
Views: 1419 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2013-04-17 | Comments (0)

Now with music & 3 languages !
Only for 3DO , you can download it and burn it on your console.
Views: 1496 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2013-02-23 | Comments (0)

Download the completed port for 3DO here.

New screenshots :

Views: 1619 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2013-02-15 | Comments (0)

You can now download the 3DO version !
Download section
This version has already 2 minigames. (but no sound yet)
The final version will have 4 or maybe 5 minigames.

Some screenshots of this version :

Views: 1517 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2013-02-13 | Comments (0)

Thanks to Rastersoft , i will be able to port Vigoroth the delivery man to the 3DO. (The first version will have no sound)
A N64 port is also planned. (I have already ported one of my games for N64)
And the 3DO version will be compatible with all 3DO thanks to 3DOencrypter.

I wish i could port my game to the PC-FX but the devkit is just not enough mature...

Grâce aux contributions de Rastersoft , Vigoroth le livreur sera bientôt disponible pour 3DO ! (La 1ere version sera sans son)
Un port sur Nintendo 64 est prévu. (J'ai déjà fait un homebrew pour N64)
Et grâce à 3DOencrypter , le jeu pourra marcher sur toutes les 3DO sans aucune modif.

Si seulement je pouvais faire de même sur NEC PC-FX...
Views: 1477 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2013-02-11 | Comments (0)

Happy new year ! (i'm a bit late sorry...)
I have taken a look at ndless devkit and it was pretty easy to set it up ! :)
(I had to update the libraries because they were outdated)
I was able to compile and run the sample !
Are you interested to get Vigoroth the delivery man on TI N-Spire ?
Let me know in the comments !

Bonne année à vous tous !
J'ai essayé de faire marcher le sdk de ndless et j'ai reussi
à faire tourner un exemple avec ! :)
(Je devais juste mettre à jour les bibliothèques car elles dataient un peu...)
Souhaitez-vous que je porte Vigoroth le livreur pour TI nspire ?
Faites-le moi savoir dans les commentaires !
Views: 1362 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2013-01-08 | Comments (0)

The PSP version is available  ! (The only problem is the lack of sound effect due to BGDI limitations on PSP)

The Windows version was reported to not working on Windows Seven 64-bit.
I included another version for Vista/7. This version uses BennuGD and its more compatible with 64bits system.(Computers with 4GB RAM or more)
If you have Vista/7 then take this version at the download section.

Thank you guys !
Views: 1429 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2012-11-10 | Comments (0)

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