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Page d'accueil » 2013 » May » 23
Hi everybody !
I'm working on an android version of Vigoroth the delivery man and it works pretty well !
This version use a bigger screen resolution : a screen resolution of 1280x800 !
It is working great on my Nexus 7 and i want to sell it on the google play.
This Android version will be simply called "Kleines Livreur" and will not feature Vigoroth the pokémon so i shouldn't be in trouble with Nintendo. (For the Android version at least)

Now , the bad news...
The alpha 2 v1.2 (3DO version) do not work on real hardware so i  released a new version with no sound.
Go to the download section to get it ! (And tell me if this version works on real hardware , never trust an emulator...)

Views: 2526 | Added by: Blabla | Date: 2013-05-22 | Comments (0)

«  May 2013  »
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